Developing Children

“Developing Children” are activites for children to help them learn about virtues, how to acquire them and how to develop them. Childrens classes2These are mainly practical sessions where children can learn by doing and working together. The structure of all of the sessions have a variety of contrasting and complimentary activities that include, memorisation, stories, games, singing and artistic work. All of thee activities are designed and planned by the leaders of the sessions to develop an understanding of the virtue or quality that isthe theme of the session.Importance is given to the children learning by wherever possible carrying out and experiencing the virtue or quality.

Childres class1             Some examples of the qualities and virtues that are tackled in these session are: Unity, Justice, Service to Others, Love, honesty and Truthfulness, Steadfastness, Humility, Generosity,Kindness, Friendship,Obedience, and Trustworthiness.

“O Son of Spirit! My first counsel is this: Possess a pure kindly and radiant heart….”

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